Monday, August 30, 2010

Grow through or Go through?

This morning I received an email of a message that set something in my spirit.  To think I was about to hit the delete button but the words stood out and immediately caught my attention.  "God's Grace in Our Weakness".  After reading this passage I felt a sudden feeling of excitement.  The words were just for me.  It talked about how when we go through things our prayers are not as eloquent as they used to be.  "Eloquent-meaning that they are not expressed using emotion clearly or movingly.    It stated that we are supposed to be growing through life and not just going through.  Still worrying about the same things and people shows no growth and no change.  This is a stage of weakness.

I realized after reading, that through everything I go through I am growing.  Rather its pain, problems or turmoil.  I am supposed to grow.  Needless to say it was so heavy on my heart to share this with those I love and those close to me.  You never know who needs to hear something.  You never know who is going through.

I realized more about me and the person I am.  I am now in a situation where I regret certain things happening in my life but in a sense I am happy they did. See I am getting stronger day by day.  I let go and live and experience all that life has to offer me.  I am so far from perfect.  I just want to be a little better than I was the day before.  That is true progress.  Sometimes I feel I give so much and get so little in return.  This is just who I am.  A Loving and caring person.  I realize that I am not going to understand everything.  It is hard to be obedient because what we feel is strong at times we loose focus.

This passage changed my life in more ways than one.  I put NOTHING past God.  When you need to see clearly or hear something, he allows you to do so.  Even though we may not agree with decisions or paths we should take. Change what you can, love while you can.  Learn to give the rest to him. Remember that somewhere down the line it will all come together, it will all make sense.

I am looking forward to that day!!!


p.s. In our weakness, is when his power works best!

"Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away.  Each time He said, My gracious favor is all you need.  My power works best in your weakness!" II Corinthians 12:8-9  

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