Sunday, September 12, 2010

Get out of your comfort Zone!

I had a conversation with my mom earlier this year about where I am in my life.  I stated that I wanted at this point to do things I have never done, or do things different than I normally would.  I must say since I turned 30 I have done just that.  My mindset has changed tremendously and I found that I am making better choices, having different opinions and overall attempting to be a renewed person.

Looking back on life I discovered that a lot of wrong decisons had been made.  Only If I can turn back the hands of time I would.  I realized that I was at a certain point where I was a little too comfortable with who I was. I am now doing things that C.  wouldn't normally do.  Not bad things just in general. Life is entirely too short to live is stress and with unessesary complications.  Of course life happens but when it does you learn to deal with it differently.  The small petty things that bothered me in the past doesnt anymore.  I would rather put my time and energy into things of utmost importance.

This all comes with wanting to make life less stressful and wanting the absolute best for you and yours.  People all the time say what they want.  But find themselves not making the steps to get it.  What motivates you and what makes you crave for success or happiness?  Simple question.  Now don't get me wrong I am not saying I am perfect, I still make mistakes.  I am just more careful now by choosing what battles to fight.  I am getting out of MY COMFORT ZONE, in more ways than one, stepping out on faith and allowing God to guide me.  I want more just that bad.

I can't tell you how to make this transition but only can share my experiences.  We sometimes look back at our lives and wonder where we would have been if we had only taken a different direction.  I do it all the time.  WHAT IF?  I feel it's never to late.  Setbacks are things that are going happen, but how we get back up determines our passion and focus on where we want to be.  Anything can happen in a days time that can change our lives forever.  Rather it be losing a loved one, falling in love, giving birth or career change just to name a few.

I say this to say that we never know what tommorrow may hold.  Nothing is set in stone.  Its not easy out there but you can make things a little more bearable.  Let's focus on the things that we can change and living in the moment.

Get up, get out of your comfort zone and do something different.  Smooches C.

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