Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Must We Handicap Our Men?

You know it is just funny how we get so comfortable in
certain situations.   In 2010 is it the
“IN” thing to take care of your man and he has to do nothing?  At what point do you say that enough is enough “get your ass up and find a JOB”. We all get in situations where we are so in love that we do whatever
needs to be done when it comes to our relationships.  There is nothing wrong with assisting and
coming TOGETHER as one.  But I find it
really mind boggling when you have a man and he is physically able to provide
and still does not.   If we go wayyyyy
back the man is supposed to support the woman. Am I correct?
I guess I am asking questions because I see so much of this
these days.  Just because we want love we
settle.  Hell No, do your part as a woman
and let you MAN do his.  In these situations
the women make the money and the men take care of the house.  These men have been called “house bitches”.  Go figure
Now we are seeing women making more money than the man.  This is a totally different situation.  My concern is when the men are physically
able to work and contribute and don’t.    If you are totally taking care of him and
everything else why do they have to work? I mean let’s be honest would you
rather make the bread and come home to home cooked meals and pampering?  What if you come home to his ass on the sofa,
the same place you left him that morning?  (PROBLEM).
I am simply saying set the standard and stop handicapping
these men.  Make sure they are taking
care of you to a certain extent.  You
never know when you will not be able to work and if you have a lazy nigga on
your side.  You are screwed.

Love don’t pay the bills.


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