Friday, November 12, 2010

Keep them folk out of your business!!

My mama used to always say, keep folk out of your business. Well as a grown woman I now know the importance of this statement. I think it is important to have maybe one or two individuals that you can trust with certain information and who you can talk to about anything. Someone who is the not to judge but to offer real advice with not regards to hurting your feelings. Sometimes we need to hear the truth and those so called friends that will lie to you are not your friends. You know the ones that will let you leave the house in a certain outfit knowing you shouldn’t have that on. (EXACTLY).

We sometimes act on impulse and don’t think things through before we talk with others. This can cause things to be said that shouldn’t be as well as actions to be done without thought. It is a difference when people have to wonder about your business than those who know your business.

It is so much more peaceful when you keep folk out your business as much as possible. Some thrive off the gossip. We need to learn to think more before we act and speak which, is a hard thing providing that our emotions get the best of us at times.

They wonder why some couples when they have marriage counseling one of the biggest things they talk about is “keeping family out of your business” They are not exempt because sometimes your dream killers are right under your nose.

Be careful who you share ideas and goals with. Everyone is not there to support you and will not be happy of your success. They will only try and tear you down the best way they can.

Focus on building yourself where you want and need to be. Keep your circle small and get rid of all dead leaves. You will find out who is there with you and for you. Your business is your business PERIOD!

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