Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Many Hats Do You Wear?

The life of a person that wears many hats can begin to get
interesting at times.  Everyone wears more than one hat.  Some of us struggle to find balance between the many things we are involved in or are responsible for.  This is not an easy task.  Some individuals can’t function if they don’t have a busy life that they are used to. 
If things slow down some feel they are not doing enough.  When we get accustomed to this routine it
becomes a part of our lives.  My mom tells me sometimes I’m doing too much.  I love being a mother, I love being a part of my community, I love new adventures, I love setting goals and reaching them.  My life is busy but I love it.  I would not have it any other way.  You have to know how and when to prioritize as well as stay organized. 
In some instances when we get off schedule just a little bit, things fall apart.  There should always be room for “YOU TIME” and relaxation. If you are not at your best then it reflects in your life rather
business wise or personal.  We have to enjoy life while at the same time take care of ourselves.  Some of us can’t wait till the time come when we can relax more and as we say GRIND LESS.
When we are set out to accomplish things our work ethic kicks into high gear.  This is not a bad thing as I tell my mom when she makes that statement.  I would rather be doing too much than not enough.  I also keep in mind not to overextend myself in any area so that it will not take away from my time with my children.
I am a Mother, sister, aunt, etc. and I wear many hats.  What about you?



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