Monday, August 30, 2010

Grow through or Go through?

This morning I received an email of a message that set something in my spirit.  To think I was about to hit the delete button but the words stood out and immediately caught my attention.  "God's Grace in Our Weakness".  After reading this passage I felt a sudden feeling of excitement.  The words were just for me.  It talked about how when we go through things our prayers are not as eloquent as they used to be.  "Eloquent-meaning that they are not expressed using emotion clearly or movingly.    It stated that we are supposed to be growing through life and not just going through.  Still worrying about the same things and people shows no growth and no change.  This is a stage of weakness.

I realized after reading, that through everything I go through I am growing.  Rather its pain, problems or turmoil.  I am supposed to grow.  Needless to say it was so heavy on my heart to share this with those I love and those close to me.  You never know who needs to hear something.  You never know who is going through.

I realized more about me and the person I am.  I am now in a situation where I regret certain things happening in my life but in a sense I am happy they did. See I am getting stronger day by day.  I let go and live and experience all that life has to offer me.  I am so far from perfect.  I just want to be a little better than I was the day before.  That is true progress.  Sometimes I feel I give so much and get so little in return.  This is just who I am.  A Loving and caring person.  I realize that I am not going to understand everything.  It is hard to be obedient because what we feel is strong at times we loose focus.

This passage changed my life in more ways than one.  I put NOTHING past God.  When you need to see clearly or hear something, he allows you to do so.  Even though we may not agree with decisions or paths we should take. Change what you can, love while you can.  Learn to give the rest to him. Remember that somewhere down the line it will all come together, it will all make sense.

I am looking forward to that day!!!


p.s. In our weakness, is when his power works best!

"Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away.  Each time He said, My gracious favor is all you need.  My power works best in your weakness!" II Corinthians 12:8-9  

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Believe In YOU

So I am in Florida sitting on the balcony at the resort listening to the waveS and reflecting on life.  Having a moment to just really sit and think is an experience.  Everything possible ran through my mind from the last year of my life.  Good times, bad times, and those times that were between the lines.  Self esteem and Self worth are things that we question.  Having the strength to believe in yourself first before anything else is an accomplishment.  There are gonna be times where people try to pull you down and make you think you are nothing. As well as times where you may just feel that you are not all that you can be.  Sometimes thinking that we can do better in life, do better for our children,  be better mothers, fathers, friends, sons, daughters.

It is easy to get distracted from obtaining your goals in life.  Fear of FAILURE a big one.  But if we don't believe in ourselves then who will.  We wait on motivation from others which is good, but let's try to build ourselves up. Anything is possible and long as you put your mind to it.

Sitting here I realizeD that I believe in me..... NO MATTER WHAT.  There are people that will benefit from my togetherness and balance in life.  Preparation is key, no limits.

With that being said let's take the life that we have and make something of it.  As each day passes it is considered gone.  Let's not waste time, let's become better individuals.  By any means necessary.  If you do nothing else BELIEVE IN YOU!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Peace of Mind (Do you have it?)

I was sitting on my sofa thinking about something.  How many people actually want to have peace of mind and how many ACTUALLY have it.  I have learned that people say they want things and when it actually happens or they actually get it they don't know what to do with it. (Shame). In relationships we often ask for this one particular thing.  Many wonder what it would be like to have a relationship where there is no fussing, fighting, bickering and nagging all the time.  Well sometimes all you can do is wonder.  From my experience in past relationships fussing, fighting, bickering and nagging was habitual.  I often wondered what caused it to be that way. In all actuality it could have been a number of things. 
For example: You have a cheating husband/wife or man/woman and you then have insecurities. This causes you to question him or her all the time, make assumptions and have a hard time trusting.  Then the fighting begins. Of course we are all human and make mistakes but choose your battles wisely.  One thing I have learned is that you can not stop a person from doing something.  If it comes up, handle it at that time. 

Who wants to be in a relationship where you fight more than you love on each other.  When you are in a GOOD SPACE with someone then all the bs doesnt matter.  You find yourself having a very good friend.  Learning from past relationships and becoming better in those to come is essential to the growth process.  I suggest we love, laugh and enjoy each other.  No situation is perfect so some things you have to compromise.  Do we want to? No?  Do I expect there to be arguements YES, but about real things.  Besides sometimes having a little spat is also good for the relationship because you get to make up :-)

For all those who are in situations and you have found that peace of mind with someone. Hold on to it.  There is nothing like it.  Having and understanding with someone and focusing on what really matters brings you closer.  I have had my days of this exact same drama and I love my peace of mind.

LIVE!!!!!! Don't let the negative, petty stuff tear your character down.

Extra stress and drama is not a good look.


Monday, August 9, 2010

U not Saying Anything!

So, today I was faced with several conversations and situations that all lead to one word. COMMUNICATION. Yes each situation was different and unique but at some point someone failed to communicate. Now as a human being no one is expected to be perfect and we all slip sometimes. Its expected. But we make mistakes and we learn. We live and learn and then we learn daily how to live.

Im not trying at all to teach or speak negative about anyone for being who they are. Only trying to express my thoughts on this specific subject. There are so many ways to communicate with each other yet we fail to do so at times. Many times not just because we can't but because we don't want to. Trust me I know. But, sometimes failing to communicate can cause added problems to our lives that may be unnecessary. Problems in our relationships,work, frienships etc.

Its simply the process of tranferring information from one entity to another. (Sounds just that simple huh). Just know that it is respected when we communicate effectively. I can't speak for anyone else or make decisions for anyone else, I can only do me...........


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Something to make you feel good

Every once in a while we need to do something for ourselves. We get so caught up in everyday life that we forget to take care of us. Rather it be taking a trip, seeing someone special or buying yourself something nice sometimes its worth it.

Life brings about many challenges and some of us take care of others more than we take care of ourselves. This year I experienced a great ordeal. Making certain decisions hurt but helped me in the process. I now do what I feel is best for my children. If I am happy they are and this is my only concern. Every other little perk is an addition to my life.

At some point take some time to take care of you. The feeling is great and you get the feeling of rejuvenation. Others may not appreciate us like we do and it is very easy to be brought down by words.

As for myself I now make it a point to do something that makes me feel good and that will help build me to a better person.

Lets not forget that those that depend on us need us most.

Take care of you=