Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make the Romance Last!!

How long does it actually take for a guy to change when it comes to romance.  Sometimes when a girl meets a guy or even when a guy meets a girl. The romance can be laid on really thick.  They are doing everything right to sweep you off your feet.  When this happens on either end, this is something that one can get used to.  It is much harder to start something off one way and then change than to eventually incorporate some nice things.  The change can raise eyebrows or bring on unnessary questions.
In church today Bishop spoke about a friend that had been married for 43 years.  He had just lost his wife to cancer.  Bishop asked him what was the secret to the longevity of their marriage.  He replied and said it was the little things.  She thanked him for the small things and showed appreciation to him for the small things as well. Even for taking the trash out.

These type of things are what is needed in relationships. We sometimes have so much going on in our lives that we forget to court one another.  We forget to show appreciation in the smallest ways. Some may say, "He/She should know how I feel". This may be a true statement but sometimes you have to show a person.

It makes you wonder if those people do the nice romantic things just to impress or are they really that type of person.  Not to say that it has to happen everyday or every week but at some point keep the romance going.  Suprise him/her, show appreciation.  These things can make the biggest difference.  I hate to hear women say "my husband or boyfriend used to buy me flowers"  Or a man say "my wife orr girlfriend used to run my bath water.  It is well understood that we sometimes get out of doing these small things that make our mates feel special.  Life happens.

Keep the romance there.  Remind those how much they mean and how much we appreciate them being a part of our lives.  It doesn't take much.


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