Monday, December 27, 2010

Different for a REASON!

God made us different for a reason.  What is for one may not be for the other. His plan for one's life will not be identical to another. So answer this "Why do we hate to see others succeed?"  If we concentrate on our mission and vision and stop worrying about how and when the next person will get ahead we will be better off.  There is no (1) doctor, there is no (1) lawyer, there is no (1) singer/rapper, there is no (1) author etc.  Though we have many in one perfession we have our own uniquness.  We have something tha makes us different.  Yes we may compete and try to be better but it makes us better.  We look at what we can do to become better individuals.  The learning never stops.  Some of us get where we want to be and stop learning. But we want to teach others and when others start to get ahead we start tripping.  The gift of giving.  God gives to you and you give to another.
What brings one success may not bring the other sucess.  We should learn from each other instead of trying to bring one down.  Yes and this is a grand request for many will not change.  Take artist for example that have idols they look up to such as Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston.  These people inspire and give those in the same profession something to look forward to.
Sometimes we as a people support and help right until someone posses a threat.  But why?

Its ok to think you are better than someone in something.  That is your opinion and you should believe in yourself.  If you don't believe in you first then who will. Stay focused on  your goals and learn from others.  Just as others seek to established individuals for help remember those same individuals needed that same help.

So my advice to you for the new year.  There are 4 more days left till 2011.  Change your mindset.  Evaluate some things. Get rid of the jealous spirit and see who you can help and inspire.  Bless someone.

Cause in the end God made us different for  a reason.  What is for YOU is for YOU and no one can take that.  Be obedient so that you can execute his plan for YOUR life.  Its not the same as the other.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make the Romance Last!!

How long does it actually take for a guy to change when it comes to romance.  Sometimes when a girl meets a guy or even when a guy meets a girl. The romance can be laid on really thick.  They are doing everything right to sweep you off your feet.  When this happens on either end, this is something that one can get used to.  It is much harder to start something off one way and then change than to eventually incorporate some nice things.  The change can raise eyebrows or bring on unnessary questions.
In church today Bishop spoke about a friend that had been married for 43 years.  He had just lost his wife to cancer.  Bishop asked him what was the secret to the longevity of their marriage.  He replied and said it was the little things.  She thanked him for the small things and showed appreciation to him for the small things as well. Even for taking the trash out.

These type of things are what is needed in relationships. We sometimes have so much going on in our lives that we forget to court one another.  We forget to show appreciation in the smallest ways. Some may say, "He/She should know how I feel". This may be a true statement but sometimes you have to show a person.

It makes you wonder if those people do the nice romantic things just to impress or are they really that type of person.  Not to say that it has to happen everyday or every week but at some point keep the romance going.  Suprise him/her, show appreciation.  These things can make the biggest difference.  I hate to hear women say "my husband or boyfriend used to buy me flowers"  Or a man say "my wife orr girlfriend used to run my bath water.  It is well understood that we sometimes get out of doing these small things that make our mates feel special.  Life happens.

Keep the romance there.  Remind those how much they mean and how much we appreciate them being a part of our lives.  It doesn't take much.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So today has been a busy one for me. Despite that, I spoke with some family and friends on today and I realized something.  There are people very close to me who are going through trying times or whom are just dealing with some things emotionally.  We all experience this at one point in time and handle these situations differently.  Some talk about it, vent, cry or whatever makes them feel better. Others shut down and deal with it alone.  To each their own.
It goes to show that you never know who is going through what.  I have learned never to judge but
for me as a person.  I want and am willing to be there for those individuals. In anyway shape, form or fashion. I may not have all the answers but a simple prayer, or words or encouragement will help.  You never know when you need to be on the receiving end. Life gets us down sometimes people
and when we are down we are down.  We begin to question ourselves and our purpose. I myself have at one point in my life dealt with certain things that got me down.   Thank God for those who lifted me up when I was down and who continued to pray for me when things were
bad.  There were times where I began to question myself?  Humph.  Someone told me to never do that. People see things in us that we don’t see in ourselves and we never know how we are or can
be an asset to someone else’s life.
I say that to say, Never question your self worth!  Change only those things we can. Those we can’t
we deal with it and learn from those experiences.  Tis the season to be jolly and I say to you.
Even when things are not how we want them to be, things will work out.  God is never sleep.  Love hard and enjoy those that matter. Don’t stress over BS.  These are not words of encouragement just for anyone who reads but for myself also.  Make this month a great one.
Love C.